Why is NO ONE Writing about the 2018 CrossFit Open?

I’ve been googling this for about two weeks now and STILL I can’t find any information.

Even basic stuff:  When does the Open start, predictions on what moves will be included, etc.

So I guess I’ll get the conversation started.

I can’t tell you when the Open will start (let me know if you know!).11-2-dumbbells-png-file

I can make movement predictions:  HSPU, double unders, chest-to-bar pull-ups, thrusters, and dumbbells.  Probably a row.  Bar muscle-ups.  Toes-to-bar.  A climbing barbell sequence.

I think dumbbells will definitely make another appearance.  Either that or we’ll repeat 17.1 since Dave Castro always repeats one of the previous Open workouts.

A word of advice:  you need to be preparing NOW!  You got five months.  Pick the moves you want to get better at and put a program together.  Improving overall is good as well, but you need to concentrate on skills at this point.

Happy Pre-Open!!

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