Response To Change…


Conflicted as the night

Troubled—to the point of flight

Heavy-hearted—that is true.

More accurately—very blue.

Nothing fun in change.

Rocking the boat—always strange.

“Wait and see.”

Blah! I’d rather plea,

“Say it ain’t so.”

I can’t deal as you know.

Luckily, time never stops

Ending all the flips and flops.

“Could be better than you imagine”

I believe that as much as a dragon.

Nothing to do

I have no clue.


And on I press.

Written when I found out my box was being sold to new owners.


2 thoughts on “Response To Change…

  1. I did pretty good with my exercise routine until I broke my ankle and was in a cast for weeks. That was a couple years ago and I just can’t seem to get back into the old routine. But I’m trying, on anf off. I’m “on” right now

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