“I Don’t Want to Be Sore All the Time.”

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This is what my husband said when we were talking about him coming back to CrossFit.

He did CrossFit for about 6 months, and then had to quit due to his inconsistent work schedule.

We were talking about him coming back, and this was his reason for not doing so.

I can’t blame him.

There are days (more than I’d like to admit) when I ask myself Why am I doing this?  

The days when I can hardly bend over cause my hamstrings are so tight.  The days my hands rip, and it’s painful to do anything.  When I get a massage and it hurts like hell. When muscle activation hurts like hell.  When bruises pepper my body like a minefield.  The days I’m dragging at the gym.  The soreness.  The aches.  The tweaks.  The pain.  The injuries.  The scar tissue (yep, on my hands from tears).

I’d like to say I have a good answer to that question, but I don’t.

Like I posted last week, there’s something in me that drives me in this sport, and it’s hard to explain.  The drive to be the best.  To sacrifice.  To do what needs to be done, so I can be the best.

But this sport is not for everyone.  Not everyone (ok, so the VAST majority of the world) feel about CrossFit what I feel about CrossFit.

And that’s ok.  We all have our own passions and desires in this world.  The key to happiness is finding your passion and desire and then going all in!

You only live once.  Make it count.

7 thoughts on ““I Don’t Want to Be Sore All the Time.”

  1. Please excuse my ignorance, however, stretching during, before and after exercising is something that is common. You say that your hamstrings are tight, at times, and a massage sometimes hurts like hell. Is it detrimental to your body building efforts to stretch? I often see bodybuilders and they do seem ‘muscle bound’. I’ve never quite understood this, and have been a little afraid to ask…
    You are quite right about the passions and desires we have. At times they can seem antisocial/anti health, and yet we cannot do without them.

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  2. I live to be sore from Crossfit when i wake up in the morning & stretch in bed if you don’t hurt I am like am i dead? Lol I love heels & I feel so bad ass that I can still wear 4 inch heels to work after a assbeating the night before.

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