Murph for Easter…

I’ve made a commitment to do Murph once a month.

Pulling Murph

Celebrating our freedom from sin seemed like a good time to start.

For those of you unfamiliar with CrossFit, Murph is a Hero Workout, named after Lieutenant Michael Murphy , a Navy Seal, who died fighting for our freedoms.  This was one of his favorite workouts and it is traditionally done by most CrossFit boxes on Memorial Day in his honor.  The workout is:  1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats, and then finish it off with a 1 mile run.

This is one of my absolute favorite workouts, and I’ve been itching to do it for a while now but with the Open and my wrist, it didn’t happen until now.

I PR’ed by 2 minutes.  Butterfly pull-ups and my run made the difference.

Did get a couple of blood blisters on my hands from the 100 pull ups.

Totally worth it.

I needed this one.  Mentally more than anything.  Plus, I love to go long and it’s rarely programmed due to time constraints at the gym.

Side Note:  I woke up today not sore at all.  When I used to do this workout, it would destroy me for a few days.  It was actually the first workout I ever did in CrossFit.  I know I work hard and am fit, but it doesn’t hit me how fit until I do something like this.

Happy Easter, one and all!

8 thoughts on “Murph for Easter…

  1. Thanks for following my blog – I’m just catching up with new followers after taking a break to care for my husband, who had back surgery. I have two other CrossFit followers! Stop by anytime and there will be a shot out to you in a post soon.

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