Why Are Stares Bothering Me NOW?

A few days ago, one of my friends proceeded to tell me that CrossFitters don’t look much different than others.  This was based off the conversation that women don’t want to get big shoulders from doing CrossFit.

Well, I piped in.  “Based off of my experience and comments made to me, I would highly disagree.”

I’m beginning to take more notice of people as well–mainly because I’m getting more stares than usual.

There aren’t that many people walking around who look like me.Image result for animals staring

This has been affirmed lately as I’ve been dressing up more than usual as the weather turns warmer and wearing more clothes that show my muscles.

I was having a different conversation, explaining my routine to two gals I just met, and I  realized something:  not many people lead the life I do or do what I do.  The hours I spend that have given me this body I now inhabit are not how others spend their hours.  The extra time I put in toward my goals.  The work involved.  The sacrifices (I’m thinking of chocolate cake right now…)

And that’s not just CrossFit.

I blog.  A lot.

I work.  A lot.

I read.  A lot.

I’m constantly striving to be a better person, a better wife, a better mother, a better human being despite all my flaws.  I’m constantly searching for what’s out there for me, what I’m supposed to be doing, what path is next.  And I’m constantly learning.  I despise sitting and boredom and monotony.  Contentment is elusive.  Accepting that this is all there is is not an option….

Which begs the question:  What’s next?


6 thoughts on “Why Are Stares Bothering Me NOW?

  1. High five to that! Blogging, working, reading…I’m not into Crossfit, but I train for marathons and do dance shows. The irony is that people look at you like that’s the only thing you do, and give reasons for why they can’t (work, family), but you get out of something what you put into it. Many of us manage work and home responsibilities, along with other pursuits of interest – all it takes is a sense of discipline. So glad to connect with someone like-minded!


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