The Granite Games: I’m Unsure Why I’m a Glutton for Punishment…

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The Granite Games.

For some reason, I signed up for this.  I know, I know.  I just bemoaned THIS.

Unsure why.

I don’t care about the results because I’m under no delusion that I’d actually qualify.

I think I just wanted to see how I did amongst my peers.  Currently, for my age group, I’m 33rd (we’ll see how far I fall once all the scores are in).

This is Week 2 of two workouts we have to complete and working out non-stop is beginning to take its toll.  We did Workout #3 on Friday night and Workout #4 today.  It definitely wasn’t my A game today and took everything I had just to keep moving through the reps.

I went home, ate, and napped.  All my pets napped with me.  Then I laid around all day, reading a book to my kids who are under the weather and being overall lazy.

The last week is coming up, and we find out on Wednesday what the last two workouts are.  Then…done!

Just in time for the 4th!



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