You Can’t Exercise Away a Crap Diet…

The number one factor in how your body looks is the food you eat.  Period.

From my own struggles with food, I’ve learned this is the truth.

Exercise is key as well, but it’s not as important as food.

If you’re not eating healthy, you’re negating all the exercise work you do.  You can run, bike, swim, lift all you want and you’ll never have the look you desire if you eat fast food every other day and have ice cream and chocolate for dessert every meal.Image result for diet and exercise

This has to do with the hormones and insulin your body secretes in response to the types of food you ingest.  You are either triggering fat-storage mode, sustaining mode, or losing weight mode.


  1.  Adjust your diet FIRST. Nail it down.  Research.  Find the “diet” (really nutrition plan) that works for you and your lifestyle and put all your focus on implementing it.
  2. THEN add in exercise and come up with a sustainable exercise program that works for you and your lifestyle, interests, and hobbies.  “Going to the gym” is not the only form of exercise.  Find your passion:  climbing, biking, swimming, running, kayaking, hiking, walking, mountain biking, snowmobiling, skiing, boating, etc.  If it’s a passion, you’ll stay with it.
  3. Finally, COMMIT.  You have to commit to both for the short-term and for the long-term.  Hopefully, we all lead long lives.  We need to be healthy for all of it, not just for a month or two every few years.  Commit to diet.  Commit to exercise.

Nail it.  Combine the two (nutrition for life and life-long exercise) and you’ll be happier, have more energy, and lead the best possible life you can.  Commit to you.  By committing to you, you commit to your family, your job, your community, society, etc.  But it has to start with you!

It’s THAT important.  Do it now!


22 thoughts on “You Can’t Exercise Away a Crap Diet…

  1. You are so right. In a conversation with a close somebody yesterday we mentioned exactly this. You can exercise all you want, but, if the diet is all wrong the effort remains almost fruitless!
    Well done to you…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t want to loose weight but I absolutely agree that what I eat affects how fit I can be,how much energy I have and how my brain functions. I know that riding a horse looks like just sitting on an ambulatory sofa but nothing could be further from the truth especially if you are training with a horse and competing. There is no margin for error caused by fatigue or lack of focus. So your advice is very apt for crossfit and for equestrian.

    Liked by 1 person

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