Being Healthy is Hard Work…

I now realize why a lot of people fail diets, exercise, New Year’s Resolutions, and any other challenge they face.

Because it’s hard work.

I keep a journal of what went well on that day, areas I can grow, and what I learned and this is what I learned yesterday.

I ate really well yesterday until dinner time.  My husband cooked a really good dinner and I ate too much.  But it was really good!  Grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, garlic bread, and broccoli and cauliflower.

Today is a new day.Image result for failure

I get to start over!

Could you imagine if we didn’t have days and nights and we’d be stuck on the same day (If you lived on Venus, the day would last 5, 832 hours!  That’s 243 Earth days!).

This is like everything in life.

If you fail (as we all do every day of our lives), you get to start over!  Quite frequently in fact.

Try this next time you fail at a meal:  start over on the next meal.  It’s another opportunity to get it right.  And if we get it right 80% of the time, we’ll still meet our goals. Don’t get frustrated and throw in the towel and proclaim, “Well, that didn’t work!”  One step at a time.  Always.

Try this with anything in life.

Failing is ok.

Quitting is not ok.

Learn from your mistakes and attack the next time with a vengeance!

Happy learning!!


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