I’m Not Ready for the Open…

I hit the gym and did my own workout.

Dumbbell thrusters and dumbbell push press.

Oh.  My.  God.

It was hard.

I haven’t done dumbbell thrusters since September.  We don’t have enough equipment so my gym never programs them.

I have to practice these.  At least once a week I’ve realized.

My friend mentioned I should strive for Regionals.  I have all the skills.  The strength.  The stamina.

What I don’t have though matters:

Handstand walkscrossfit-girls-dumbbell-snatch

Ring muscle ups

Dumbbell proficiency.

I’ve realized in the past few days there’s a lot I have to work on.

Being a Games athlete is a full-time job.

I’m just not sure I want CrossFit to be it.

Something to think about and pray about…