At-Home Workouts Will Make You Stronger

There are two ways you can approach this stupid-ass virus: you can give in to it, bemoan your fate and what is happening in the world, or you can grow stronger from it, beat it, and not give in.

Many people have told me, “I can’t work out at home” when I tell them I work out at home. This is because they need others to motivate them.

Now, most of us are forced to workout at home.

You have two options:

  1. To not workout due to every excuse under the sun
  2. To workout and continue to be healthy and stay fit

You Will Grow Stronger By Working Out At Home


You will grow in mental ways you never thought possible. There will be days when you will be dragging and hating every second of it (I’ve been there and still am there). You have to push through it, half-ass it if you have too since half-assing is better than sitting on your ass. You will gain a mental fortitude you never thought possible.


As you are running in the dark, in the rain, in the cold, hating every miserable second of it, wishing for Orange Theory’s nice treadmills and warm room, you will grow spiritually. It will just be you, nature, the birds, animals, and your own thoughts, along with God. You will gain insight into your life, and your workout will be over before you know it.


You will most likely be doing a lot of moves you otherwise wouldn’t do. There’s nothing like bodyweight exercises to whip you into shape. You will grow physically, even if you don’t have a barbell.


Many of us workout because it makes us feel good, it relieves stress, and we like how we look because of it. Continuing to workout will help you combat the negativity of the coronavirus and weather this storm like any other storm in your life.


You’re not paying for a gym membership, nor are you driving there and back and having to buy nice clothes for it either.


Your community is your family now. Show them that the coronavirus is not stopping you from your dreams, goals, and aspirations. Teach them that you are stronger than this, and that God is in control. Go on a run with your daughter; do a CrossFit workout with your other daughter; play catch with your son. Be active, and your kids will grow up active.

You will grow stronger with at-home workouts. Still, the choice is yours.

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